What is Learnr’s Refund Guarantee?

We know it can be daunting to go ahead and book your driving instructor for the first time. We also want to make sure you have the best possible experience learning to drive with us. This is why we offer a full refund guarantee on your first lesson (up to a maximum value of £40) if you are not satisfied with your chosen driving instructor.

How do I make a claim for Learnr’s Refund Guarantee?

Simply contact us by email, telephone or chat within 24 hours of your lesson taking place and let us know what happened. We’ll then immediately credit your Learnr account with a full 100% refund and help you to book another driving instructor.

Are there any exclusions to the Refund Guarantee?

The Refund Guarantee is only applicable on your first driving lesson booked through the Learnr App and may only be claimed once. You will not be eligible for the Refund Guarantee for any subsequent bookings. This does not affect other terms and you will not be eligible for a refund due to your own negligence or non-compliance of any other terms which have been read and agreed by you on creation of your Learnr Account. You will also not be eligible for a refund if you simply change your mind after making a purchase.

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